Paul Bakaus

Paul Bakaus

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Create more, destroy less

I’ve recently read that we should consume less and create more, and it’s a very worthwhile read that much more elaborately expands on what I wrote about Gadget Zombies couple years ago. I wrote my original post 7 years ago, but it’s one of the few things...

Learning to unlearn

I couple years ago I had lunch with a successful serial entrepreneur in San Francisco. Mid way into the conversation we talked about which ideas get funded on Sand Hill Road and which do not. One thing we both agreed on is that no VC will fund projects without product-market...

Block formatting contexts and lists

If you've been reading about the latest in CSS, you might have read about flow-root. Flow root establishes a new block formatting context, but most have dismissed it as simply replacing clearfix hacks. But consider this extremely common case, where you have a few paragraphs of text, some...

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