Creator Economy19

Deep dives into the present and future of the creator economy.

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Maybe everything is changing, all the time

Remy recently posted an interesting, thought-provoking read on framework fatigue and how we’re making the web more complex ourselves: If you didn’t gather off the bat from the title, the problem with developing front end projects isn’t that it’s harder or more complicated, it’s that...

Create more, destroy less

I’ve recently read that we should consume less and create more, and it’s a very worthwhile read that much more elaborately expands on what I wrote about Gadget Zombies couple years ago. I wrote my original post 7 years ago, but it’s one of the few things...

5 reasons for 60 fps

It's easy to state that a higher number is better. It's also easy to get sucked into (albeit interesting) theories and at other times non-researched half-truths when debating film projection technology and frame rate. But there are very simple, very reasonable arguments for not only high...

Frame Rate as creative choice

As much as there are people who will tell you to always use 24fps for a cinematic look, the truth is, the definition of what makes a film look cinematic varies, and maybe you're aiming for something different! Frame rate is as much a creative choice as color,...

The web is built to last

Native platform providers boast with the large new feature sets they add to their OS’es every year.  But when comparing themselves directly to the web platform, they’re conveniently missing the simple fact that they can do so only for the lack of standardization. Corporate platforms come and go...

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